I though that upgrade DVD of Snow Leopard should be Leopard as pre installed. It was wrong completely since I succeeded to install Snow Leopard from this disc. It is clear on the cover of the DVD written "Upgrade DVD" but finally the "upgrade" that Apple mean is move into Snow Leopard.
It was only $3,00 right? Really not expensive I think if compare to other OS.
Not 5GB
The utilization of the hardisk for installation of Snow Leopard was believed to be 5 GB, but finally, I employed about 6 GB to install it into my computer. I have removed unimportant thing such as printer driver and language. May be I missed to remove some thing. After installation, the space decreased 1GB since an update into 10.6.2 needed about 1 GB. I think this is not a problem since a new mac came with big hardisk capacity.
Yes, the booting time was so fast
It takes about 30 second until it was loaded completely. The differences between Snow and Leopard may be 30 second as my experience. But it just freshly installed. Once after full installation, I think the booting time will reduce.